10 You Should Not Do With Your Newborn

They don’t teach you how to be a mother in school or anywhere for that matter. Babies don’t come with a manual so you won’t be judged if you make mistakes. But, there are some mistakes that should not be made. Otherwise, you’ll be putting that little one in grave danger.
Here, we’ve compiled a list of things you should not do with your newborn. A lot of new mothers, and old, either don’t know these or they take them for granted.
1. Do not use regular detergent to wash his clothes.
Your newborn's skin is still very tender and sensitive. The chemicals in the detergents you use in washing your own clothes are much too advanced and harsh for the little one. It could result in rashes that’ll make your child fussy and irritable. And you’ll be the one to suffer it.
2. Do not give water instead of milk
As awesome and life-giving as water is, it is not a good choice for newborns. For two reasons: one, water interferes in the absorption process of the food your newborn takes. That is, the nutrients won’t get absorbed as they should. Two, water has no nutrient, makes them full, and keeps them from taking in the nutrients they need.
3. Do not use the same bath soap.
Again, your child’s skin is still too tender and sensitive. You cannot use the same bath soap you use for your newborn. It could, will, cause adverse reaction. Get your child a baby-friendly and special soap. You can get as many as you want “here”.
4. Do not use towel to dry.
Towels have harsh surfaces that aren’t gentle on baby’s tender skin. Use clean, old T-shirts instead. Or towels with smooth surfaces.
5. Don’t bathe too often.
Don’t be so eager to wash your baby; you might be washing away the protective layer of his skin without knowing. Babies don’t do anything so they don’t really get dirty and so don’t need baths too often.
6. Don’t kiss your newborn.
Everyone loves to carry and cuddle babies. And that’s okay. But, be wary of kissing. Babies have undeveloped immune system and are at risk of being infected with the herpes virus which could prove fatal.
7. Don’t leave diaper on for too long.
Whether you forgot or it’s intentional, leaving diaper on for too long opens doors to a variety of infections. And let’s not forget diaper rash.
9. Don’t sleep on the same bed.
Let me just state it: sleeping on the same bed with your newborn is not safe. You could roll on him, he could get stuck in your cover clothes, a variety of ‘incidents’ could happen.
10. Don’t neglect the gums.
The gums are the bed on which their teeth will be formed. Massaging them regularly will prepare them a strong foundation for strong teeth.
Thanks for reading. 💃💃💃💃
Article credit : Cocci Beauty