12 Shaving Tips for Women

Lots of women today prefer a smooth and hairless body. And that’s okay. But, as you shave off or carry out other means of getting rid of those hairs, there are things you should know.
1. Exfoliate your skin first.
You can exfoliate your skin either manually or with a sonic brush which you can find at “Cocci Beauty” right “here”. You need to exfoliate first to get rid of the dead skin cells underneath the hair so that you can have a smooth and seamless shave.
2. Consider other ways to get rid of the hairs.
While the easiest and cheapest way to get rid of those hairs is shaving, there are other methods such as waxing. Get familiar with the methods and decide which one you want to opt for.
3. Change your razor often.
It is hygienically advisable that, as a woman, you should change your razor after three uses maximum. That is, if you are using a disposable razor.
4. Apply conditioner.
If you don’t have a shaving cream, you can use a conditioner instead. It makes for a smooth shaving. There is less friction and reduced risk of getting injured.
5. Shave correctly.
The type of skin you have will determine how you shave. If you have a dry and sensitive skin, shaving upwards can prove damaging. You shave downward first, and then upward.
6. Watch the pressure.
If you’re using a new blade, be careful with how much pressure you apply. Press softly to prevent cuts and injuries. If you have to apply a lot of pressure before you can achieve a close shave, it is time to change the razor!
7. Never share razor.
Get your own razor for shaving. Don’t share with others and don’t let others share yours. It is an easy way to transmit infections.
8. Don’t move the razor sideways.
While the issue of shaving upwards or downwards is still a matter for consideration, there is one thing we are sure of: sliding razor sideways across the skin is injurious! So, upwards or downwards, but never sideways.
9. Don’t shave over a wound or cut.
If there’s an injury, leave off shaving that part until later after it has healed. Shaving over it will delay its healing process or even make it worse!
10. For a smoother shave, bend your knees.
When you bend your knees, you stretch your skin. The blade will be able to glide without hindrance over the skin.
11. Properly maintain your razor.
After shaving, don’t leave the razor lying around exposed. Place the plastic lid back on and keep in a clean place. Also, clean and sterilize it after every use.
12. Use aftershave treatment.
After shaving, apply some aftershave gel or cream to minimize irritation and itching. You can also use baby oil or aloe vera gel. Also, don’t be afraid to use men’s shaving products. They also work well for women. Check out the aftershave creams and other shaving products we have “here” at “Cocci Beauty”.
Thanks for reading. 💃💃💃💃
Article credit : Cocci Beauty