13 Uses of Baby Wipes

Although the term suggests that they are only used for babies, baby wipes actually have uses which literally have nothing to do with babies. Baby wipes are a comfortable and handy addition to your cleaning items. They come in handy especially when there’s no water or cleanser around. So, here, we’ve compiled 15 uses for baby wipes.
1. They are used as face wipes.
Obviously, it’s not just your kid that needs his oily and dirty face wiped; you do too. Baby wipes are perfect fit for the job.
2. Baby wipes are excellent makeup removers.
You just came back from a date or you’re about to go to bed and, well, you’re not going to sleep with makeup on. Baby wipes come in handy in this case.
3. Used during diaper changes.
Baby wipes make cleaning your baby’s poop-filled, sweat and urine-laddered buttocks easy. You don’t have to ransack the house looking for cotton wool and water.
4. They are hand cleansers.
You’re at home or out of the house, you need to clean your hands and there’s no water or soap around, use the wipes. Wipes contain lots of water and natural cleansers.
5. They can be used to clean the tables.
Instead of looking for freshly-washed napkins that you’ll have to rewash after using on your dirty table, get the wipes instead. Use them and throw them away; there’s no need for rewashing.
6. They are excellent stain removers.
When you have a stain on your dress and there’s no water or soap around to clean it off, baby wipes are just close by and you don’t have to wait until the stain sets in.
7. They can be used for cleaning wounds.
Perhaps your baby fell or you cut yourself, baby wipes are great for cleaning the big wounds as well as the little cuts and scratches.
8. You can use them in place of handkerchief to clean off your sweats.
Sweats that form from carrying out rigorous activities can be cleaned out with wipes. Your skin will be left refreshed and clean.
9. Use them to clean your baby’s toys.
Babies put their toys in their mouths and we wouldn’t want them to get dirt in their mouths, do we? So, we use the wipes to wipe out the dirt on their toys and pacifiers.
10. You can use them to smooth your hair.
Your hair is always flying with the wind and you have to always carry a brush. Think about wipes instead; the water in wipes can help hold your hair hold still and keep it smooth.
11. Blow your nose with them.
Baby wipes can be used instead of napkins to blow babies’ nose; they are softer on skin and get the mucus out smoothly.
12. Your Shoes are not left out.
Baby wipes are soft and moist enough to make your shoes shine when they are cleaned with wipes.
13. They can be used for general lady care.
Baby wipes come in handy for ladies, especially when they have their menstrual cycle.
Check out our collection for amazing baby wipes that we are sure will work just well for you.
Thanks for reading. 💃💃💃💃
Article credit : Cocci Beauty