15 Ways to Manage Your Oily Hair

You don’t feel too psyched when you put your hair in a bonnet, and the bonnet looks as if you dipped it in oil. Or do you? I know I don’t. On the one hand, you’re spared from the problems dry hair has to face. But, on the other hand, this too-oily, too-greasy hair just won’t cut it! Here are 15 ways to control your hair’s oiliness.
1 Use the Appropriate Hair Products
Only use products that are formulated specially for oily hair. They are made with ingredients that help absorb excess hair from the hair while still keeping it moisturized.
2. Wash Often
Unfortunately, you don’t have the luxury of washing your hair only when it is dirty, unlike dry hair. You will need to wash more often.
3. Shampoo Right
When you shampoo, focus on the scalp where the oil is. Don’t use your fingers, and don’t scrub aggressively. I know you want the oils gone, but you don’t want your hair gone in the process, do you?
4. Wash Less Often
Sometimes when you wash your hair very often, you still find it annoyingly oily. You will be tempted to put more shampoo. Don’t. You can strip your scalp of the needed moisture in the process. And then more oil than you can handle is produced.
5. Condition Right
Don’t condition the scalp. Stick to the ends, and rinse thoroughly after.
6. Try Natural
Instead of using blow-dryers and hot irons to dry your hair, let it dry naturally. Heat tools like those leave the hair looking greasier.
7. Try Aloe Vera.
Deep clean your hair with aloe Vera. It sooths the scalp, gets rid of excess oil, protects your hair strands, and gets rid of products buildup in your hair.
8. Clean Your Hair care Tools
Dirty brush on oily hair equals more oil! Clean your tools before they touch your hair to keep them free of oil and dirt.
9. No silicone
Silicone is meant to make the hair shinier and smooth. Your hair has enough shine as it is, don’t you think?
10. Don’t Touch!
The more you touch, the rougher it appears. And too much combing and brushing stimulates oil production.
11. Coconut Oily
You don’t need any special moisturizer. Use coconut oil instead; it absorbs excess oil while keeping your hair hydrated. Don’t skip the scalp when you apply, and don’t put too much.
12. Apple Cider Vinegar
Rinsing with apple cider vinegar has a lot of benefits: it balances your hair’s pH level, gets rid of products buildup and excess oil, and controls frizz.
13. Green Tea Extracts
Green tea extracts help get rid of excess oil, and it keeps the hair healthy generally. Buy products having this ingredient in them.
14. Honey
Honey’s numerous benefits to the hair includes getting rid of excess oil and keeping hair moisturized. Plus it helps battle dandruff and sooth scalp.
15. Dry Shampoo
Go for dry shampoo instead of the liquid; it helps clear out unwanted oil.
Get products formulated especially for oily hair at “Cocci Beauty”. They are made to leave your hair soft, clean, and hydrated while helping you take out the oils you want gone!
Thanks for reading. 💃💃💃💃
Article credit : Cocci Beauty