9 Best Nutrient Supplements for Hair Growth

It has always been said that one’s hair, skin, and nails say a lot about their general state of health. Sometimes, your body doesn’t know how to tell you that you need more vitamins other than through your hair, skin, and nails. So, if you’re experiencing some defects in those areas, it means it is time for a check-up. Hair cells, being the fastest growing cells in the body, are the first to be cut off when nutrients are insufficient.
We have many of these supplements here from which you can select on our store.
Hair supplements help to fill the gap in nutrient intake of your hair. Here are 7 types that work perfectly to make your hair grow out.
1. Vitamin A
Every cell in the body needs vitamin A; it is essential for growth. It stimulates the production of sebum in the skin, including hair scalp, which provides the scalp with enough moisture and keeps the hair healthy. Deficiency in vitamin A causes hair loss, and so does its excess.
2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce the number of radicals. Radicals cause oxidative stress which hinders growth. It makes the hair absorb iron easily. And it stimulates the production of collagen which is an important part of the hair.
3. Iron
Iron is needed for the regulation of blood circulation in the body. In simple sentence: it makes sure blood gets to your hair cells. As a result, the hairs grow out. Iron deficiency causes anemia and results in hair loss.
4. Zinc
Zinc supplements and hair growth and tissue repair. It ensures the cells function well. It promotes the maintenance of hair moisture and oil. Insufficient supply of zinc as well as its excess results in hair loss.
5. Biotin
Biotin is a type B-vitamin and is one of the most effective vitamins for hair growth. Its effect is most enjoyed by those who have or are experiencing hair loss. There is not much proof that it works as much for those with healthy hair. Deficiency in Biotin is rare because it can be found in a wide variety of foods.
6. Other B-Vitamins
Vitamins B-3, B-12, B-complex, and other B-Vitamins have been linked with hair improvement and growth. They promote blood circulation to the hair cells, which is important for hair growth.
7. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is somewhat similar in function to vitamin C in that it is a powerful antioxidant that fights against oxidative stress. Study shows that if those with hair loss problems take vitamin E, naturally or as supplements, see an improvement.
8. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is also known as the sun-vitamin; it is produced when the body has a direct contact with the sun. It makes the hair fuller through creation of new hair follicles.
9. Protein
Hair is composed mainly of protein and so they need protein to stay in shape, as well as to grow. Protein supplements are available everywhere.
We have many of these supplements here from which you can select. Anyone you choose will bring you desirable results.
Thanks for reading. 💃💃💃💃
Article credit : Cocci Beauty