9 Natural Ways to Grow Thicker Eyebrows

Gone are the days when people shave off their eyebrows in the name of fashion. In fact, I remember how, while growing up, people take pleasure in shaving off their eyebrows. I mean they leave that part completely bare. But not today. Today, everyone’s looking for ways to thicken their eyebrows. And when I say “everyone”, I mean models, celebrities, divas, everyone!
And here are 9 natural ways you can achieve that.
1. Coconut Oil
First of all, get rid of the dirt that clog those pores; they are hindering the hairs from coming out. Oils, dirt, or makeup should be througly cleaned out to free the pores.
2. Avoid rubbing them
Coconut oil helps moisturize and condition the hairs. It contains fatty acids that keep hair from breaking and lauric acid that prevents infections. It stimulates blood circulation to the brows encouraging them to grow.
How to Apply
Before bed, dip cotton wool inside the coconut oil and apply to your eyebrows. Leave overnight and rinse with a face wash in the morning. Do this everyday.
3. Aloe vera gel
If you want thick and permanent eyebrows, aloe vera gel is the answer. It rejuvenates hair with its nutrients, nourishing it, encouraging growth, and preventing breakage or loss.
How to Apply
Extract the gel from the leaf and massage on your brows thoroughly. You can do this several times a day.
4. Onion Juice
Onions contain nutrients such as vitamins B and C, selenium, minerals, and sulfur which stimulate faster and denser hair growth.
How to Apply
Slice a piece of onion, blend it, and strain the juice. Then apply to your eyebrows and leave for 1 hour. Then clean out with a cotton wool soaked in lemon juice.
5. Egg Yolk
Hairs are basically made up of protein so they need it to grow and stay healthy. And it just so happens that eggs are great sources of protein!
How to Apply
Get the yolk out and beat till smooth. Then apply to your eyebrows. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do this twice a week for faster results.
6. Milk
Milk contains two key proteins, casein and whey, which instigate and promote hair growth.
How to Apply
Soak cotton wool in milk, apply to your brows and leave doe 15 minutes. Then rinse out with water. Do this everyday to see results fast.
7. Lemon
Lemon contain nutrients that give it an edge over other treatments: vitamin B, vitamin C, folic acid, and others. It stimulates latest “fast” growth of hair. However, if you have sensitive skin, this is not advisable; it will burn your skin.
How to Apply
There are 2 ways: rub the fruit directly on your brows and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse out with warm water. Or put lemon peels inside coconut oil, leave it doesn’t 15 days, then start applying to eyebrows. Apply every night before bed, leave overnight, and rinse in the morning.
Get virgin and natural oils at “Cocci Beauty” to help your eyebrows grow thicker and faster. You are bound to get what you want!
Thanks for reading. 💃💃💃💃
Article credit : Cocci Beauty