9 Reasons Why Your Hair Won’t Grow.

Everyone wants long, lush, and shiny hair. Unfortunately, that seems to be a far-fetched dream for some. There are many reasons for this; from it being as a result of genetic makeup to environmental conditions. Sometimes, it may even be some seemingly harmless thing you do. So, here I have compiled 9 possible reasons why your hair wouldn’t grow. I’ll bet at least one applies to yours.
😀 while you are at it we at cocci beauty recommend any of these splendorous products to help you with on your long hair journey.
1. Genetic Makeup
Naturally, every hair has a point where it stops growing. At that point, the hair reaches its longest and stops growing. This is the maximum length the hair can get to without cutting or getting damaged, and it differs from one person to another. Research has it that the growth phase of any hair lasts between two to six years.
2. Less Shampooing, More Conditioning
While trimming the hair might seem like a backward suggestion for hair growth, it isn’t. Trimming the hair helps get rid of split ends that can lead to hair breakage. So, perhaps the reason your hair isn’t growing is because its split ends wouldn’t let it. Try trimming it once in at least three months.
3. Wacky Diet
If you don’t already know this, you should: what you eat affects every part of your body, and your hair is not left out. If your meals are lacking in essential nutrients like vitamins, iron, and protein, your hair will suffer it.
4. Periodic Shedding
It is perfectly natural for your hair to undergo shedding; every hair does. It needs to shed the old so the new can grow. It becomes a problem, however, when the rate at which your hair sheds is higher than the rate at which it grows. This could be one reason your hair is not growing.
5. The Age Factor
The older you grow, the shorter your hair growth cycle gets until it eventually stops at 2 years. Hair becomes thin and is unable to grow. Also, your hair is weak now due to all the styling and processing you put it through while you were growing.
6. You’re Always Doing Something with It
The reason your hair isn’t growing may be because your hand is always in it, one way or another. Touching the hair too much, whether with hand, comb or brush can stress it and cause it to break.
7. Over-processing
Too much perming and heating of the hair will weaken the scalp and shorten your hair’s life span. While these styles may be intriguing, you will have to put them on hold if you want your hair to grow.
8. Tight Hairstyles
When you make hairstyles that pull on your scalp, you strain your hair. A strained hair will definitely break.
9. Hair Care Problem
If your hair care routine is poor, your hair will have stunted growth or it will not grow at all. Things like towel-drying hair, using hot water, not enough moisture, will definitely have adverse effect on your hair growth.
Do you have hair problems and you have no idea how to deal with them? We have amazing hair products that we believe will work well for you.
Thanks for reading. 💃💃💃💃 before you we at cocci beauty fully recommend any of these splendorous products .
Article credit : Cocci Beauty