Counterfeit products are becoming a thorn in the beauty industry’s side. In a bit to dupe customers, counterfeiters make exact or close replicas of a product with hard to resist prices. In some cases, the prices are not ridiculously cheap, they are about the same price as the original. Counterfeit beauty products can have negative effects on your skin and your health if you have them including:
Fake products mostly contain filler ingredients that are mostly cheap imitations and are chemically based. They would not give the same result as their original ingredients and are likely to cause severe harm to your skin.
When it comes to beauty products, fakes can lead to bad skin irritation, breakout, acne, etc.
Identifying fake products would not be easy at a glance, but if you take your time to study the products properly, these few tips can help you identify dupes.
For people who consistently buy a particular brand, you should know the brand well enough to identify anything of about the labeling, color scheme command logo, etc. The difference could be in something as small as the font size or colors, so keep your eyes peeled. If you’re not a regular user of a brand, you can check out the product on the brand’s website and compare with what you have in your hands.
If your product is sold at a ridiculously cheap rate, that should be a red flag. Do not fall for false marketing strategies offering huge discounts for imported or bulk products, in most cases the price is actually too good to be true and you’re going to end up using fake products that could harm you.
If you can, check the consistency in texture and smell of the product as it would be an instant giveaway. In situations where you can’t see the content, look for seals of authenticity or a barcode you can scan.
When you buy products directly from a trusted or authorized retailer, you know what you’re getting. There are so many fake websites on the Internet so another option is to check the reviews of the website or vendors you want to buy from.
Article credit : Cocci Beauty