Body Odor: Meaning, Causes, and Treatment

Body odor is not new and is not peculiar to certain set of people. Anyone can have it. The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to seek medical intervention; you can treat it all by yourself. Although there are sever cases of body odor that may need medical intervention such as surgery.
Before you continue reading remember you can always check out store for antiperspirants and deodorants to make your prevention goal more achievable.
What Exactly Does Body Odor Mean?
Body odor is also known as B.O., osmidrosis, ozochrotia, or bromhidrosis. It is an unpleasant smell caused by bacteria in the skin. When the bacteria living on the skin break down sweats into acids, they give off a certain offensive smell which emits through the body. This smell can come from different parts of the body, majorly: the armpit, breasts, behind the ear, the feet, groin, anus, belly button, genitals and, to some extent, other parts of the skin. Sometimes, body odor isn’t unpleasant. After all, every one of us has a certain scent by which we can be identified. However, each person’s unique scent can be influenced by external factors such as puberty, health, medication, diet, or even gender.
Who Can Have It?
Practically anyone can have body odor, but it is more common in the following set of people:
People who are obese
Humans who reach puberty and did not take measures to prevent body odor.
Diabetic people
People with hyperhidrosis, a condition that makes one sweat too much.
Naturally, sweats don’t have unpleasant odor. The odor becomes unpleasant when bacteria rapidly break down the sweats into acids. And, as long as anyone can sweat, then anyone can have body odor.
What Causes Body Odor?
Body odor is originally caused by bacteria breaking down sweat, which are linked to the apocrine glands, into acids. The breasts, genital area, armpits, ear, and eyelids all have these glands. The apocrine glands are scent glands and are majorly responsible for the sweats which bacteria can easily break down. However, there may be other causes such as:
Putting on shoes and socks for too long;
Eating spices such as garlic, curry, onions, etc.;
Hormonal or puberty changes;
Medical conditions such as kidney disease, diabetes, or liver disease;
Medications such as antidepressants.
DIY Treatment of Body Odor
Here are things you can do yourself to treat body odor
Take a warm bath at least once a day. Warm water helps to kill the bacteria present on your skin. On hot days, try taking your baths more than once a day.
Shave your armpit hairs as often as possible.
Wear natural fibers such as wool, silk, or cotton; they help the sweats evaporate more quickly.
Avoid eating spicy foods such as garlic, curry, onions and others.
Don’t put on dirty clothes, this will worsen the odor.
Put on antibacterial socks instead of the normal ones.
Invest in antiperspirants and deodorants.
We recommend Renoxa Biorythm Antiperspirant Deodorant Stick for women, and Nivea Dry Impact Plus Roll-on for Men. We have many others you can check out.
Thanks for reading. 💃💃💃💃
Article credit : Cocci Beauty