Dandruff in Children: Causes and Treatment

Dandruff is basically dead skin that hasn’t been washed off and now is causing irritation in the scalp and hair. If you have noticed your child constantly scratching his/her head, chances are there is dandruff on the scalp. In more severe cases, the itching is worse and even more. A severe case of dandruff is called ‘soborrheic dermatitis’ and may require medical intervention. The itching could also be caused by a list of other possible things. But, let us assume it is dandruff for now. The two pressing questions you should be asking, if you aren’t already, are: what is causing it? And what can you do about it?
You know children are not as controlled as we are. For this reason and for the fact that they still have developing immune system, they are more susceptible to things like this. Some common causes of dandruff in children include:
Dirt –
one way or another, as they play, children are exposed to dirt. Dirt, when not washed off, mixes with other things like oil on the scalp and produce dandruff.
Allergic Reaction –
it could be a reaction to a particular hair product. I remember using coconut oil for my daughter. As highly beneficial as it was, it caused dandruff in her hair. It doesn’t necessarily mean that product is bad; it just means your child’s skin doesn’t respond well to it.
Improper Shampooing –
when you don’t shampoo deep and thoroughly, there is a buildup of dead skin cells that should have been washed off. The start to peel, itch, and form dandruff,
Improper Diet –
children love junks more than they love good food because, well, those are sweeter. But those things contribute a lot to the formation of dandruff.
Malassezia –
okay, this one is neither their fault nor yours. Malassezia is a yeast-like fungus found on the scalp of every on. Certain practices such as stress or improper nutrition can cause them to multiply rapidly causing itching and dandruff.
Does it Hurt?
You’re probably wondering if dandruff in your child’s hair is causing him harm. Perhaps not, but that is no reason to leave it there. It may not hurt, but it sure is annoying. Severe case of dandruff, soborrheic dermatitis, may hurt a bit because this comes with inflammation of the skin.
How do You Treat It?
You usually don’t need to see a doctor to get rid of dandruff in your child’s hair. Except it is the severe case. Otherwise, these should help:
Use medicated shampoo like antidandruff shampoo. You can get one “here”.
Shampoo the hair and massage the scalp gently and thoroughly so you can get all the dead skin out.
Comb the hair before you wash it.
Keep your child hydrated. Dehydrated skin leads to dry scalp which leads to dandruff.
Get your child his/her own comb and towels.
Keep the stress levels on the low.
Make sure they eat balanced and healthy.
Apply some oil on the scalp. Not too much as that can also lead to dandruff.
Use product that your child’s skin can handle. To know which, you can consult a doctor.
Thanks for reading. 💃💃💃💃
Article credit : Cocci Beauty