How to Take Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar has a lot of benefits, no doubt. But the way you drink it will determine how much of its many benefits you’ll get. Some of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar include:
Regulation of blood sugar levels,
Improvement of digestion,
Management of diabetes through improvement of the body’s sensitivity to insulin,
Keeps one full and helps with the weight loss goal,
Burns belly fat,
Regulation of cholesterol levels in the body,
Prevention of rise in blood pressure,
Improvement of heart health,
Prevention of cancer as well as reduction in the risk of having cancer.
As I said earlier, you could be taking apple cider vinegar the wrong way without knowing. All you know is that you are not getting the results you were expecting. If the reason you take it is for weight loss, then you need to know the right proportion to take so you can get the results you desire.
How Should You take it?
First of all, you need to understand that when it comes to weight loss, these remedies can be really tricky. Your goal should not be to lose weight fast, although I can understand what the rush is about. It has been established that the best way to lose weight and keep it off is to lose it slowly. So, in addition to taking ACV, incorporate daily exercise into your schedule.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about how best to take apple cider vinegar to lose weight.
Get the right product.
When you go to the store or supermarket to get apple cider vinegar, make sure you go for the one that says ‘organic' and ‘with the mother’. It is unfiltered and unpasteurized, and works best for weight loss.
Dilute in Water.
Apple cider vinegar is very acidic and should not be drunk straight. Dilute it in water, fruit juice, or your preferred liquid. Although if you are using it for weight loss, it is advisable you don’t dilute in liquid that will give you the calories you are trying to burn. Warm water is even better!
Take with Lemon.
This is optional, of course. But, if you want to see results fast, you should consider taking it with lemon. On their own, both lemon and apple cider vinegar contain anti-oxidant properties. Together, they are a formidable force.
You can add some honey
Again, this is optional. I prefer mine without honey. This is because honey contains some calories and, if you add too much, you can defeat the purpose of the drink. But, if you don’t like the taste, then you can add a little honey for sweetening. Remember: too much defeats the purpose.
Drink First Thing in the Morning
Thanks for reading. 💃💃💃💃
Article credit : Cocci Beauty