Tips On How To Grow Longer Eyelashes

I find long eyelashes cute. And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who does. While some are naturally blessed with it, no such luck for some others. But the good news is you can do something about it. Yes, I’m saying you can help your lashes grow longer. And then you won’t have to envy those who have long lashes because you will have yours.
Let’s get to it then.
1. Keep them clean
First of all, get rid of the dirt that clog those pores; they are hindering the hairs from coming out. Oils, dirt, or makeup should be througly cleaned out to free the pores.
2. Avoid rubbing them
Rubbing eyelids make the lashes fall out, especially when rubbed too often and vigorously. If your eyelids itch, put cream or any soothing balm on it. If you’re going to rub at all, rub gently.
3. Natural oils help.
Natural oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil will help your lashes grow long and thick if used on a regular basis. Apply to your eyelids before bed.
• Coconut oil moisturizes and strengthens the hair strands. Applying before and after bath protect them from protein loss.
• Olive oil “Bustle” says olive oil contains essential fatty acid that act as emollients that moisturizes and softens the hair strands. And it triggers an increase in their length.
• Castor oil is an ingredient found in majority of eyelash serums. It moisturizes the hair strands an makes them appear fuller.
Get quality natural oils at “Cocci Beauty”.
4. Use green tea.
Green tea contains some powerful ingredients that stimulate hair growth. Dip cotton swab in green tea and put on your eyelids, find something to hold it down because you are leaving it overnight. In the morning, wash it out. Do this everyday and you’ll see results in no time.
5. Improve your diet.
Hairs, including the ones on your eyelids, are made up of protein. Eating foods rich in protein and vitamins will give them enough strength to grow out.
6. When it is a medical problem.
Sometimes, your short lashes are an indication that something’s wrong and needs medical attention. Visit your dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment. Your doctor knows what to do to fix the problem.
7. Get yourself biotin.
Deficiency in biotin and other essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins B12 and D, and iron result in stunted hair growth not just on your eyelids but in every other part of your body where hair is. Taking supplements may help, but they’re not enough. It all comes to eating well and balanced.
8. Comb your lashes.
Combing facilitates blood circulation to pores. So, combing your lashes will provide for them what they need to grow.
9. Apply vitamin E oil
While there is no sufficient evidence to back up its hair-lenghtening power, vitamin E oil has surely been helpful to many in strengthening and moisturizing eyelashes.
10. Eyelash Serums
Serums have also been formulated to stimulate growth and increase the length of eyelashes. You should try the ones “Cocci Beauty” has. They are packed with the nutrients your eyelashes need to grow.
Looking for eyelashes products? You don’t have to go too far, “Cocci Beauty” has the best quality of what you need!
Thanks for reading. 💃💃💃💃
Article credit : Cocci Beauty