Tips on How to Maintain Your Beard

It is not enough to have a beard; you have to know how to maintain it too. Being a member of the beard gang is more than just having long and grown hair on your face. You have to look cool with it. And the way to do that is by giving it attention and giving it all the care it needs. Be ready to spend time and resources. Here are 5 tips on how you can maintain and care for your beard.
1. Always Wash with Shampoo
The hair on your face needs shampoo for the same reason the hair on your head does; to keep it clean and dead-skin free, among other reasons. Get natural shampoo for men “here” at “Cocci Beauty”; it is made with natural ingredients and no sulfate. Wash your beard two to three times a week and it will stay clean, free of sweat and oil buildup, and always smell fresh!
2. Keep it Hydrated and Conditioned
To make your beard healthy, take care of the skin on which they grow. Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated; a hydrated skin is a glowing skin. Also, regularly apply beard oil on your beard. Beard oil contains natural ingredients with essential oil and extracts. It not only moisturizes the bead, but it also moisturizes the skin underneath. It prevents and battles itchiness, dandruff. And, it keeps the follicles strong and healthy. Get quality beard oil “here”.
Check out this article: “Beard Care: How to Maintain a Beard”
3. Trim it Often and Correctly
Trimming your beard is essential for its growth and health. No, it does not mean your beard will grow faster. Read “9 Popular Shaving Myths Debunked” to know why. But, it does keep it healthy. Trimming gets rid of split ends that hinder hair growth. Every few weeks, stand in front of a mirror with a comb and scissors, and start trimming. Comb as you trim so you can see the ends that need trimming clearly.
4. Trim Your Neckline
Trim your neckline twice a week. “The Grooming Manual” says you should not trim along your jaw so your neckline doesn’t look weak and so your beard doesn’t look awkward. Put two fingers on you Adam’s apple and trim at the top finger.
5. Eat Well and Stay Healthy
Basically, growing and keeping a beard is dependent on how healthy you are. One way your body signals to you that you are not eating well is through your hair. Improving your diet will go a very long way in improving your beard health and outlook. Eat a lot of protein and vegetables. And if you think you can’t keep up, consider taking supplements to make the job easier. But, supplements don’t take the place of a well-balanced and healthy meal; they only support. In addition to that, incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
For all hair products for men and all kinds of supplements, check out our collection at “Cocci Beauty”.
Thanks for reading. 💃💃💃💃
Article credit : Cocci Beauty