Tips on How to Shed The Extra Pounds After Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, especially when you think about the beautiful little one about to be birthed into the world. And, although the pain of labor almost makes us think otherwise, childbirth is a thing of joy.
But then pregnancy is over and the little one is born, how is it that we still haven’t gone back to our pre-pregnancy shape? Well, you see, celebrities and media make us think this happens like magic. It doesn’t.
You will lose some weight, of course. The weight of the baby, placenta, and amniotic fluids will be shed after pregnancy. But, the extra pounds you gained while you were pregnant will not go on their own. You will have to shed them off the old-fashioned way. Here are some tips to help.
1 Count Your Calories
To lose weight, don’t take more than 2,000 to 2,200 calories per day. Don’t worry, breastfeeding burns 600-800 each day. If you’re not breastfeeding, let it not be more than 1,800 calories per day.
Read “Your Guide to Postpartum Weight Loss”
2. Eat Right and Well
Your meals must contain all the nutrients both you and your baby needs, assuming you are breastfeeding. Eat foods with high water content like fruits and vegetables, fiber, lean protein, low-fat dairy products, and whole grains. Eat small portions, but eat frequently. You need healthy fats too, like those found in nuts, nut butter, olive oil, and avocado. You will have to do away with sugar and sugary foods.
3. Do Low Intensity Exercises
Gone are the days when you are told to wait at least 6 weeks after pregnancy before you exercise. Now, exercise begins even during pregnancy. After childbirth, you can start with small exercises like taking a walk, as soon as you feel up to it. Don’t start too soon and don’t overdo it. Start with simple, short exercises and progress to more but moderate intensity exercises. Breastfeed before you exercise to avoid pain due to engorged breasts. And wear a protective bra.
4. Breastfeed
Breastfeeding is another way, a bonus way, to lose post-partum weight. When you breastfeed, the fat cells stored during pregnancy are used with calories from your diet to fuel milk production for your baby.
5. Don’t Rush It
Don’t expect to lose weight in days, or even weeks. Usually, your body will not go back to normal until after a year or more. Give the poor thing a break, it has been stretching for 9 months! Your uterus doesn’t take much time to go back to its original size so it’s not that you will still look pregnant. So, what’s the rush? Prepare a long-term and realistic weight loss plan.
6. Get Enough Sleep
Get enough rest; find time to sleep. Sometimes, that 'time' may be when your baby is asleep. Well, take the chance. Good and quality rest time will help you lose weight.
To help you manage post-pregnancy body changes such as stretch marks, check out “Cocci Beauty” for safe and effective products.
Thanks for reading. 💃💃💃💃
Article credit : Cocci Beauty